There’s a new company called Home Partners of America that has come into the market, and I want to briefly discuss them today. They’ve purchased over 22,000 single-family homes in the last few years, and their goal is to help people become homeowners.
If you have a credit score of 580+ and an income of $40,000+, they’ll purchase a house on your behalf, and, over the course of a few years, you’ll be able to purchase the home at any time. They also give you the rental rate for the next five years if you’re not quite ready.
It’s a pretty unique situation, because it allows you to still purchase a home even if you don’t quite have the down payment. It’s called the “Love it, Lease it, Buy it” program, and they hope to buy another 50 houses to sell to buyers this year alone.
If you have any questions about Home Partners of America or anything else related to real estate, don’t hesitate to reach out via phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you soon.